Sunday, October 21, 2012

My Next Laptop: What would it be....

Well, if I have a dream laptop that would be an ideal replacement for my Asus X42J which has lasted me for a while and is already struggling when it comes to games.... I would have 2 Choices.

For what my ideal type of laptop would be the following points it should have:

1.) Needs to have a decent enough graphics card.

Of course, when it comes to the gaming department, it does need to have a dedicated GPU that is designed for gaming of most games from the medium-high settings onward.

2.) The extent that it can be upgraded and customized.

Most small custom laptop shops do sell laptops with high levels of modification and upgrades. You're not so restricted to choose your own components that fit your preference. For me as a gamer, I would like something like CPU, Memory, Hard Drive, Displays (to less extent), Cooling, Graphics Chip (Ideally) upgrades available.

3.) Size and Weight.

Since it is extremely probable that I will be enrolling for school next year, it would of course be wise that it should be light enough and not overly big. 14.1 Inches and 15.4 Inches IMO are still acceptable for me. Since I do a lot of training, those gaming laptops of that size and weight are not much of a worry. The X17 would be too big so it's out of the running. I need something that will fit into a standard laptop size sling bag.

4.) Doesn't emit much heat.

Of course, less heat the better, so it won't be so hot when I'm using outdoors or even in my Air-Conditioned Room.

The following points that are of less importance but still good to have.

5.) Backlit Keyboard

Not really so important but good to have it so I can game with my bedroom lights off and I can still see my keyboard.

6.) Low Noise Emissions.

Generally, I would disregard the noise levels when my Laptop is running. The Asus X42J emits a noticeable fan whirring all the time and I've grown used to that. In fact all my laptops I used have that sort of noise prob that it is sorta I'm too used to it already. Of course, less noise when throttling the better.

The 2 Choices I'd picked are based from the Aftershock's Custom Laptops; All originally designed by Clevo.


This one is based on the W110ER Barebones where it has cemented as the most powerful 11.6' Netbook on steroids today. Since it is the only notebook / barebone of that size and weight that can play games decently. I did a little write up on my last topic. So some reasons why it fits one of my 2 choices:

- Lightweight at barely 1.7-1.8 Kilos.
- Small to fit in a slightly below average size laptop sling bag.
- The nVidia GeForce GT 650M is the only graphics core to be placed in a laptop that small and still can play stuff like BattleField 3 on High at Native resolution.
- Upgradable for most parts
- It Surpasses the first Gen's and still very expensive Razer Blade in all respects and still in some ways is at a comparable level of performance to the 2nd Generation Razer Blade.

Some points that I take to consideration.

- You know that is not going to be as powerful as a GTX 680M.
- It runs abit hotter and slightly more noisy. Resulting in somehow PC Throttling.
- No backlit keyboard, although you could just plug in a backlit one via USB port.


If I'm not mistaken, this is based on the P150EM Barebones. This is a 15.4 Inch notebook with a lot more customization options and the option to upgrade to something like the GTX 680M or the Radeon 7970M.

- All parts easily upgradable and you have the option of choosing the range of GPUs from the GTX 675M onwards all the way to the Radeon 7970M and the more powerful GTX 680M.
- A Single GTX 680M which is a mini-cut down of the desktop GTX 670 is enough to handle games at maximum settings in HD 1920 by 1080 Resolution.
- Big enough screen.
- Definitely you would still be paying a little less for more compared to the Razer Blade.

- It's bigger and heavier than the X11, but it is at a level that I can still relatively manage.

WHICH ONE SHOULD I PICK!?!? I'm gonna need a new Laptop Quick! Santa, give me either one of those for Christmas!